Behind the Closed Door

I always love the saying, “when one door closes, another one opens.”

It’s so true in life outside and inside, I have been infatuated with doors my entire life, the beauty of what they represent but also the frame work, the absolute amazing styles and the many ways they are used in art .

I traveled years ago to see my friend in Sweden and one of the most beautiful things of so many there is the stunning doors. I couldn’t get enough photos, they were truly amazing and so full of art.

When I see a door that stops me in my tracks ,it always sparks a curiosity, is what’s behind the door as beautiful as the start to the journey to venture behind it?

It always represents the inner work to me, it may seems beautiful and creative , but what’s behind it?

The beauty of opening a door when it’s represents itself is no matter what’s behind it, you have a choice to close it or open it, you can appreciate just the door or you can find out more.

Do you want to find out more?

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